Atlatl and Darts Workshop
September 14 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
The Atlatl and Darts workshop is broken into a morning and afternoon session, six hours of instruction total. First, students will be given a short piece of river cane and shown how to create a hook or loop in one end that can be used to launch their darts. Next, students will create darts from two pieces of river cane approximately 60” long. On one end of the cane, they will be shown how to create a nock in the tip, and then add fletching in order to stabilize the dart while in flight. Last, students will take their atlatls and darts to an outdoor space where they can experience throwing darts for accuracy, distance and fun. Each student will take home their completed atlatl and two darts. This class is suitable for ages ten and up; students under eighteen must have an accompanying adult present at all times. No prior knowledge of or experience with the atlatl and darts is necessary.
Minimum of 2
Maximum of 10